Marcus Cethegus

 In the Game

Marcus Cornelius Cethegus (Consul) is a Roman mythball player.

Currently plays for the Italian League club Princeps Aquileia.

Real history info

Marcus Cornelius Cethegus was a Roman statesman in the first half of the 2nd century BC. He was elected consul in 160 BC, in which position he served alongside Lucius Anicius Gallus. He drained the Pomptine Marshes and converted them into arable land. In 171 BC he was sent as part of a commission into Cisalpine Gaul to determine why the consul Gaius Cassius Longinus had left his province. In 169 BC he was triumvir coloniae deducendae, an official charged with establishing a colony in Aquileia.

External sources


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