Sky City Acoma

Sky City is a mythball club based in the city of Acoma, in present-day USA. The club competes in the American League (Western Conference).

Domestically, the club has no league titles.

In international competitions, the club has no cups. .

Current squad
  1. Pope (American Native, Leader)
  2. Marcus Aemilus Lepidus * (Roman, General)
  3. Shapur * (Persian, King)
  4. Zutacapan (American Native, Leader)
  5. Conixu (American Native, Leader)
  6. Idacanzas *  (Muisca, Muthical tribal Chieftain)
  7. Ulzana (American Native, War Chief)
  8. Tompiro (American Native, Chief)

American League Clubs list


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