Arizonac Yuma

Arizonac Yuma is a mythball club based in the city of Yuma, in present-day USA. The club competes in the American League (Western Conference).

Domestically, the club has no league titles.

In international competitions, the club has no cups. .

Current squad

  1. Huttami (American Native, Chief)
  2. Irataba (American Native, Leader)
  3. Antonio Garra (American Native, Warrior Leader)
  4. Oacpicagigua (American Native, Leader)
  5. Y, B. Rowdy (American Native, Decorated Scout)
  6. Placido (American Native, Chief)
  7. Magooosh  (American Native, Leader)
  8. Poca Ropa  (American Native, Leader)

American League Clubs list


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